Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anointed songs (and one rap song)!

Many of the songs we are hearing on Christian radio are making their way into church worship services. I like it because I can be reminded of worship even while driving. Many of these songs really speak to the heart and are especially moving. I've been making a list of songs that I consider anointed songs. I have an actual "anointed song list" paper that write down the titles on as I hear these songs. You know what I'm talking about. These are ones that really move you in such a way that causes you to worship whenever and wherever you hear them. They might also speak to you in a way that even the best sermon can't. I consider them "anointed" since it is easy to see God's hand in the writing and performing of these songs. They are just as anointed as some of the hymns that mean so much to us. It takes more than just a catchy chorus to make the list, too. It has to praise, teach, convict or stir the soul. Here is some of that list along with a rap song. Yes, I said it. Rap! Let me explain.

Lose My Soul by Toby Mac
Let's get this straight; I really don't like ANY rap song. Maybe it's because of my age? I can only make fun of rap music. I don't consider this an anointed song but I really have to give this song kudos for the message. You won't hear this in a worship service (contains the word "pimp") but you can soak in the message and I dare you to listen to it and not hear the chorus in your sleep. My favorite line, "Since I got that call, no more Saul, now I'm Paul". It even contains a prayer about 3 minutes in. Really nice. Listen to it now. Click this link: Lose My Soul. Now on the the real good stuff.

In Christ Alone
I was first introduced to this song in worship by John Cotten at FBC. Right from the start you knew this song was something special. This song is fairly new, written in 2001. It is a capsule of the the entire gospel and when sung in worship, you can't help but get stand-up, hand raising excited about what God did for us. I am especially fond of it because of the reference to Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Take a minute to listen and read the words of this inspiring song. Turn it up. Soak it in. Let everyone around you hear it. Click this link: In Christ Alone. This is a really nice version by Adrienne Liesching of Benjamin's Gate.

East to West by Casting Crowns
It's all about Grace! Amazing Grace is the only other song that comes this close to really explaining the Grace that is our through Jesus Christ. You probably won't be singing this in a worship service, but you can really worship all by yourself with this one. There is one line in the song that speaks to me; "I'm not holding on to you But you're holding on to me." That's a beautiful picture of Salvation. The only problem is this song got so much radio play that it lost it's luster (there is another on the list that got "over played"). Take a minute and listen to East to West like you did the first time. Hey, these guys are from McDonough, Georgia!

Mighty to Save by Hillsong United
I can't think of a better song to be singing in a worship service. I first heard this song at a service at Foothills Community Church in Seneca in 2005. Sue and I were blown away by the excitement it brought to the service. We heard it on the radio on the way home and started singing in the car (I annoy everyone when I do that, I'm sure). Hillsong United has a really nice video of Mighty to Save.

I'll reveal more on the list later. What do you think should be on the list? email me at

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